As we approach the holiday season, my children are filling out their Christmas lists and looking forward to ripping open presents from Santa to uncover new toys, clothes, books, and more
As he spoke with a room of dairy producers and farm organization representatives at a Wisconsin dairy farm last Thursday, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack emphasized that if a change is going to come
While rising milk component levels have many contributing factors, it appears this year’s corn silage will likely help producers further optimize fat and protein in milk
As we brace ourselves and our farms for winter, there is one particularly vulnerable population on the dairy when it comes to cold weather.“Newborns are going to be the most susceptible animals
This past weekend, my children had an appointment to see Santa at the local mall. I was pretty proud of myself for getting the appointment in advance so that we could avoid the torture
I do not think it is ironic that the first Christmas celebrated was surrounded by animals. That is a perfect picture of peace to ponder. What a gift this is, to live on a farm
While consulting for a dairy business in Australia roughly 10 years ago, I remember seeing small pickup trucks or “utes” with diesel engines for the first time
I slipped a milker inflation into the broken off end of my metal shovel and secured it in place with duct tape. Now when I use the shovel, my hand pushes on a soft inflation instead of sharp metal
“In my nearly 10 years with Rock River Laboratory, I can’t recall a crop shaping out like the one we’re likely going to be seeing, if not already feeding,” shared John Goeser
Discussion continues surrounding the best approach in calculating the Class I mover to determine the price for fluid milk. The months of June through November 2020 highlighted that the Class I mover
As the year comes to an end, many dairy farmers have or are beginning to open 2021 silage storage and finding that it’s not feeding as well as some other years despite mostly having good fiber